Old Henderson Rd & King Rd
Station 3 has quite a unique story. While there has been a fire engine “stationed” in this area of Union Township since 1993, this firehouse was built in 2010. down there since 1993. The current Engine 3 was assigned to this district in 2001 after it’s assignment as Engine 1. Prior to the station being built, the engine was keep in a member’s barn as there are only 2 FF’s that live in Union Twp. Union Township it’s literally about 98% Ohio River floodplain. The Township includes 27 square miles and with a permanent population of approximately 400. Their structures include farms, river camps and cabins. The Township typically floods 2-3 times a year with some areas under as much as 15ft of water in spots. This can last for weeks at a time. Station 3 is home to Engine 3 and Boat 7.